Classes of Fires & Extinguishers

Mohammed Romema · August 15, 2022

About the course:
When appropriate, staff, students and faculty members should be trained in the proper and safe use of fire extinguishers. This course of instruction is not designed to turn participants into firefighters, but rather equip them with the knowledge and skills to detect and extinguish a fire only when it is safe to do so.
The aim of this training is to provide the trainees with the right understand that there are different types of fires and not all extinguishers will work on them. If the wrong extinguisher is used, it could actually exacerbate the fire.
Course Learning Outcomes:
As a result of this session, participants will:
• Know the different types of fire extinguishers (A,B,C,D,K) and the type of fires (electrical, wood, paper, gasoline, cooking grease) they will effectively extinguish.
• Understand how fire extinguishers operate.
• Demonstrate how to extinguish a fire.
Trainees should leave the program with knowledge of the sources of fire, classes of fire and their corresponding fire extinguishers, how to identify an extinguisher, how to assess a fire situation, and fire emergency protocols.
Target Audience:
Any resident or groups of employees in the workplace.
How will this Training Course be presented?
This training course will be presented using properly designed slides, some with animation and several videos on relevant issues.

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+35 enrolled
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